1 A Little Girl Invited the Royals, Including George, to Her Birthday Party
According to the Express, a little girl invited Prince George to her 6th birthday party a few months ago. Unfortunately, the prince never showed up.  2 The Palace Replied to the Letter
A few months later, Middleton, who likely receives heaps of mail on a daily basis, finally got to the invite. While the celebration was long over, she offered the gift of a lifetime: A letter from the palace.  3 Their Response Was Lovely
The letter read: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have asked me to thank you for your letter, in which you invite Prince George to your 6th Birthday party. I am sorry that it took so long to reply. Their Royal Highnesses were extremely grateful for your kind invitation.” 4 The Duke and Duchess Were “Immensely Touched”
The royals declined, but with grace. “Having given careful consideration to the possibilities, however, I very much regret that Their Royal Highnesses reluctantly feel they have to decline. Nevertheless, I hope that you enjoyed your birthday,” the letter continued. “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were immensely touched that you should take the trouble to write as you did to their son, Prince George. It really was most thoughtful of you and Their Royal Highnesses have asked me to send you their warmest thanks and best wishes.” 5 The Little Girl Was Thrilled with the Letter ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb According to the mother of the girl, the letter was very appreciated. “Something amazing for her to keep,” she responded on Twitter. After all, the second best gift to having a prince attend your party, is getting a letter from one!