1 Tyler Perry recently referred to Meghan as “Princess Meghan”
In an August 4 Instagram post, Meghan’s friend, Tyler Perry, shared a photo of the former actress, wishing her a happy birthday. ​​"I’ve had a front row seat in your life for the past few years. I’ve watched you endure things that would have broken a lot of people. I’m so incredibly proud to see how happy you, your husband, and your kids are now. It fills me with joy to say Happy Birthday Princess Meghan," he wrote.  2 Is Meghan an Actual Princess?
Perry’s post spawned a discussion: Is Meghan an actual Princess? According to royal historian Marlene Koenig, the answer is yes. In a new interview with Insider she explains why the former Suits star is deserving of both the Duchess and Princess title – despite walking away from the Royal Family. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 3 Yes, Says One Royal Insider
“Of course Meghan is a princess. She would be styled as Princess Henry if Harry did not have a Dukedom,” Koenig says. When Harry married Markle, the Queen gave them both their Duke and Duchess titles.  4 Meghan Is Listed as “Princess” on Archie and Lilibet’s Birth Certificates
She also points out that on Archie’s and Lilibet’s birth certificates, under occupation Meghan listed her’s as “princess” and Harry as “prince.” William and Kate also have their titles listed on their children’s birth certificates as “prince” and “princess.”  5 It Is Harry’s “Birthright” to Be a Prince
Robert Jobson, royal editor at the Evening Standard, previously told Insider that Harry and Markle wouldn’t lose their titles because it’s Harry’s “birthright” as the son of Prince Charles, heir to the throne. “The Queen made the decision to honor Harry by making him a royal duke on his wedding day. He is, and will always be, a prince — given he is the second son of the heir to the throne,” he said. “I think it would be highly unlikely for the Queen to revoke Harry’s title. It is his birthright,” agreed Katie Nicholl, a royal biographer.