1 Downsizing the Monarchy
King Charles III has plans to streamline the monarchy in order to make it more efficient and less wasteful. According to royal commentator Kinsey Schofield, the downsized monarchy will consist of just a handful of people: Queen Consort Camilla; the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge; Prince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex; and Anne, Princess Royal. “While these are all individuals that will be out in the future representing the crown, I think Charles will try to draw attention to himself, Camilla, and the Cambridge family as the future of the monarchy,” Schofield tells Insider. 2 A New National Anthem
The British National Anthem is changing for the first time in over 70 years to reflect that there is now a king, not a queen, on the throne. The words have been changed to “God save our gracious King,” with appropriate substitutions of “he” and “him.” New passports will now be issued in the King’s name. 3 New Coins, Stamps, and Prayers
British people will soon be used to seeing King Charles’ visage everywhere—specifically on new coins, banknotes, medals, and stamps. The Queen was also a “defender of the faith and supreme governor” of the Church of England, and the Book of Common Prayer, which dates from 1662, has prayers for the Queen: One “collect” asks God to “rule the heart of thy chosen servant Elizabeth, our Queen and governor, that she may above all things seek thy honour and glory.” This will be amended to refer to King Charles. 4 Oath Swearing
Members of Parliament and peers must swear an oath to the crown before they are allowed to sit in the House of Commons. The oath, since 1952, has been “I (name of Member) swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.” The oath will now be changed so loyalty is sworn to King Charles. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 5 Buckingham Palace Changes
King Charles reportedly wants to downside Buckingham Palace from 52 working rooms to one single working apartment when he takes on the reins of power. A source tells the Mail On Sunday the new setup “will be a much more modest flat-above-the-shop situation akin to that of the prime minister at Downing Street… The Prince of Wales strongly believes that these places have got to deliver something for the public beyond just being somewhere for members of the royal family to live. Everything is seen through the lens of the question: ‘What value is this offering to the public?’ Everybody recognizes it makes no sense to run so many residences but if you give them up entirely you will never get them back when Prince George and the younger royals grow up and need somewhere to live.”